Friday, May 7, 2010

Progress Since October

We have been on a Roll

For the last six months beginning in October of last year we have been on a tear improving this golf course. Some of the things were very visible and others not so visible yet all will contribute to having a successful summer not just this year but beyond.

We started with the cart path extension on #18 in October. If you remember I also mentioned that we re-established and added a lot of irrigation in the adjacent areas on #17. That hillside adjacent to the #17 green and approach was chronically mediocre in the summer months, a situation in which these irrigation additions will go along way to remedy.

We did get the bunkers on #10 done in November, which depleted all of our funding available for 2009. We did not stand pat and completed two irrigation expansion areas behind #15 green and to the right of #13 green. These two areas were other examples of summer mediocrity that we identified which the additions should remedy as well.

I wrote extensively last update about the bunker progress we made starting in February, which will culminate the end of this week with the completion of the greenside bunkers on #13. In the nine weeks beginning February 1st we completed 13 bunkers three of which were some of the largest on the course. Along with all of this work we were able to soften two critical fairway exit areas on #16 & #13 and substantially improve irrigation coverage to the right of #9 green.

What is most exciting about completing all of this work is that it sets us up for a successful summer. We might not ever have a period of time where we make as much diverse progress as we have the past 6 months. As rewarding as the time has been we look forward to when we can re-direct manpower resources into playing surfaces and details on the course. And that time is much closer then I thought it would be six months ago.

Completed greenside bunkers #13

Newley sodded fairway exit #13

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